The Science and Psychology of Dreams

JUNE 12th, 2024


EPISODE 46: The Science and Psychology of Dreams with Dr. Michael Lennox

Have you ever bolted awake from a dream so vivid you had to pinch yourself back to reality, or found yourself haunted by a dream so bizarre,that you're convinced your subconscious is trying to tell you something? What is it about these night-time escapades that can feel so real, so intense, and sometimes, so utterly perplexing? Are these dreams merely our brain's nightly cleanup crew at work, or do they tap into something deeper, a universal thread weaving through the collective unconscious?

In this conversation, Dr. Scott welcomes Dr. Michael Lennox, a distinguished psychologist whose insights into the nocturnal mind are as enlightening as they are fascinating. A renowned dream expert, Dr. Lennox works to unravel the enigma of dreams and their significance in our lives. He is known for his work in dream analysis, spirituality, and personal development and has also authored several books on dream interpretation and personal growth. 

Together, they will decode the functionality of dreams, venture into the realm of the collective unconscious, and reveal how our dreams can be a powerful tool for personal growth, healing, and creativity. From the eeriness of precognitive dreams to the empowerment of lucid dreaming, they’re unpacking the mysteries of what happens when we close our eyes at night.

This episode is your invitation to discover the transformative power of your dreams and how they can illuminate the darkest and most mysterious parts of your inner world. Discover the profound intersections of science, psychology, and the spirituality of dreams and investigate the intricacies of the subconscious mind.

 Topics We Break Down

  • The physiological function of sleep and transformative power of dreams.

  • Learn how dreams connect us to the collective subconscious.

  • Find out how to use dreams as a tool for personal development.

  • Common dream interpretation pitfalls and the symbolism of dreams.

  • Steps to unlocking the somatic healing potential of dreams.

  • Insights into whether dreams can also predict the future.

  • Taking control of and amplifying your lucid dreams.

  • Explore the erotic and sensual side of dreams.

  • Daily practices to improve the relationship with your dreams.


Show Notes

Episode Links:

Psychic Dreamer

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Special Guest

Michael Lennox

Dr. Michael Lennox is a psychologist, astrologer, and expert in dreams and dream interpretation. He teaches classes in self-investigation to a worldwide audience and is the host of the weekly podcast, Conscious Embodiment: Astrology and Dreams. He is also the author of Llewellyn's Complete Dictionary of Dreams, Llewellyn's Little Book of Dreams, Dream Sight, and Psychic Dreamer.

A highly sought-after media expert, Dr. Lennox has been seen internationally on many television shows, beginning with the Sci-Fi Network’s The Dream Team with Annabelle and Michael, in January 2003. Since then he has also been featured on numerous network and cable television venues including NBC’s Emmy award-winning Starting Over, Soap Talk, The Wayne Brady Show, and many others. His radio appearances talking about the power of dreams number in the hundreds. Dr. Lennox’s expertise has attracted a global audience, with over 120k followers spanning his social media platforms, where he regularly shares his insights including his daily astrological reading segment Red Robe Astrology.

Dr. Lennox obtained his Master's and Doctorate in Psychology from The Chicago School. Astrology and Personality, his Doctoral Dissertation, is published by Lambert Academic Publishing out of Germany.


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Your Host


Dr. Scott Lyons is a licensed holistic psychologist, educator and author of the book Addicted to Drama: Healing Dependency on Crisis and Chaos in Yourself and Others, with Hachette publishing. Scott is also the host of The Gently Used Human Podcast, a delightfully depthful and often hilarious exploration of what it is to be human, to have lived life, and come out gently used.

As a renowned body-based trauma expert, Doctor of Osteopathy (Spain) and Mind-Body Medicine specialist, Scott helps people to break free from cycles of pain, limited beliefs, and trauma. Scott is an innovator in transformative wellness and trauma therapy, teaching over half a million people internationally over the past twenty years how to relieve stress and restore vitality. Scott has worked with many of the country’s top leaders and CEOs as an executive coach and wellness consultant.  

Scott is the creator of The Embody Lab—the largest online learning platform for body-based trauma therapies—and developer of Somatic Stress Release™, a holistic process of restoring biological resilience, taught in over 20 countries. Scott is also the founder and progressive designer of Omala, a wellness brand dedicated to creating sustainably sourced tools for transformation.




About the Podcast


Dr. Scott Lyons and his world renowned guests take us into the delightfully depthful and often hilarious exploration of what it is to be human, to have lived life, and come out gently used. From passion to pain, glory to defeat, comedy to drama to tragedy, we’ve all been through it. This show unpacks the psychology and humor needed to keep you thriving on the roller coaster of being human.


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