
Ghosting is so painful. It feels annihilative to our very sense of existence and worth. 

For those of you who have had to endure the pulling away, the silencing, the sudden absence, and neglect—I'm sending the biggest hug that says I see you and acknowledge you exist in all of your humanness.

And honor that ghosting is even more painful when there has been a history of abandonment and neglect.

Whether it's an immediate ghosting- where the silence is piercing and stunning; or a slow ghost where you watch them incrementally withdraw- slipping away from connection- it aches.  

Ghosting can make us feel invisible and powerless- string a deep freeze in our nervous system that resembles the effect of shame.  

Without their presence and communication, we often fill in the gap with personalized, harsh, and confusing stories. We might ask if we were too much or not enough- with no one on the other end to respond- and so we fill in answers to those questions with projections from our past. Ghosting goes against our human nature by denying us closure and resolution, and we stay in the limbo of unanswered pain. 

Ghosting can leave us grasping for clarity and chasing the "why?" and "how could they?"! Our attention becomes scattered, we dissociate from the pain, and we begin to neglect ourselves, mirroring the ghosting others have acted out on us.   

Truths about ghosting:

1. If they are ghosting, it's because they don't have the capacity, skills, or resources to share and express whatever is happening for them.

2. It may not have been safe for them growing up to share their experiences, so they learned silence as a form of communication.

3. They don't have the capacity, skills, or resources to be with you or be with what's present for you- and it's not a reflection of your value.

4. Communication takes vulnerability - and that's not something they have access to at this time.

5. They may never know or acknowledge your pain of being ghosted, and that doesn't invalidate the truth of your pain.

6. It will only prolong the pain to fixate on the breadcrumbs of clues as to why they ghosted or if they care or if you mattered.

7. You may never get to complete this communication gap and get closure. It may remain as unfinished business, which can be excruciating for some time, like a perpetual heartbreak. It will take the time it takes as you give attention and healing to this rupture.

8. You deserve better.

Here are some tools of support:

1. Find the places of freeze in your body and offer gentle movement or shaking.

2. Remind yourself, "this is a reflection of their patterns and capacity, not a reflection of you."

3. Let yourself imagine or visualize what closure would look like; let your body absorb the sensation of closure. 

4. Perhaps soothe yourself through some affirmation of acceptance: 

"Perhaps someday I'll know more, but not now and not anytime soon."

"This really hurts; I wish it were different…and I will attend to myself in the way I truly deserve." 

5. Focus your attention on the people who can be with your truth, their truth, and the vulnerable intimacy of communicating.

Bea Rue

Freelance Web & Graphic Designer

Recently I began taking inventory of my life, recognizing the shifts I could make to lessen my personal consumption and impact. Since we spend a quarter of our lives working, that was certainly an area demanding attention. So I left retail and begin my career freelancing for small businesses whose higher purpose transcends profit.

I believe in employing my skills and energy to empower others working to create positive change in our world. I support too-swamped entrepreneurs by breathing life into their brands and websites, allowing them to focus on the important work at hand. At the same time, I get to nurture my own entrepreneurial spirit while being creative and building truly meaningful relationships throughout my community.

I strive to inform, delight and inspire by balancing content with design. I consider the details without losing sight of the big picture. I aim to see around corners while staying focused on the moment. I'm self directed but have over a decade of experience successfully working with teams. And while I've surely got bills to pay, I know it's my social responsibility to be selective about where I put my energy.

If your empathy excludes you from feeling your full spectrum of emotions… that's just suppression.